
Documentation version 1.0 ,  2005-06-26

How do I create a tavern (step-by-step)?

Step 1

Select the roleplaying system (RPS) you want to use for the tavern (e.g. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons).
Wait until all databases have loaded.


Step 2

Select the size of the tavern (in terms of tables).

Step 3

Select the percentage of tables, which should have seated customers.

Step 4

Select the type of the tavern.

Step 5

Select how likely certain races are to appear in the tavern.

Step 6

Select the pricing class of the tavern (influencing both prices and "wealthyness" of the customers)

Step 7

Press the generate button - and wait.

Step 8

Select the "description" tab to get the customer descriptions. The numbers are connected to the numbers in the map.

Step 9

Optionally, you can select a different output style template, formating the output in a rich-text-format (RTF).

Step 10

Select the map tab to get the floorplan of the tavern. (The map is generated with more details than visible on the screen.)

Step 11

Optionally, you can display a grid of defined size in the map.

Step 12

Optionally, you can display the numbers of the "populated" map items. The numbers correspond the descriptions.

Step 13

Use the print/save menus to export your generated tavern. Either export all parts individually (for other programs) or save the complete tavern for later reload in TavernMaker.

Step 14

Explore the possibilities and option of TavernMaker. (Interface Description)